Personal Concierge and Assistant Services in NYC
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deVivre New York City Concierge Services: Travel Planning, Life Hacks, Top Concierge Tips, and our concierge adventures around NYC

deVivre Keeps You Moving


While Location. Location. Location. is key when it comes to real estate, we're here to tell you that Organization. Organization. Organization is the thing that matters most on Moving Day. A little advance planning goes a long way towards making sure that moving into your dream apartment doesn't turn into a nightmare. Here at deVivre we've managed so many moves around NYC even the movers are impressed with our process.

Now that "moving season" is upon us, we decided to share some of our top concierge tips with you to avoid the stress + mess that often comes with these big transitions (no one wants to sit bolt upright at 2am the night before the movers arrive remembering that you don't have keys yet). And, while these tips are for the DIY'er, we gotta say—if you really want to relax, just have deVivre handle the whole move from start to finish. Come back you your new home refreshed, already unpacked, and ready to enjoy your new space to the max.

For those of you who prefer to wield the packing tape yourself, here are some tips + tricks to avoid the inevitable sea of boxes and "where is my underwear?"-type crises.


• Donate: food, clothing, furniture. Don’t waste time and money moving unnecessary items. Use this as an opportunity to process all the things you haven’t looked at or used in 2+ years. Be ruthless. One of our favorite ways to make this fun: have a "Clothing Swap Dinner Party". Use up all of those pantry items that are lurking in dark corners and give those unwanted garments a new life.

• Sell: furniture or schedule pick up for donations way ahead of time. There are so many sites to sell your stuff in NYC. Need help wrangling these logistics? Get in touch. Some charities will even come pick up your unwanted furniture (but keep in mind that it must be in good shape—no one wants your six year old Ikea Lack table with the broken leg).


• Make a moving list: You'll need this to get accurate quotes from movers. (We at deVivre are pros at guesstimating how much stuff you have so let us help!). Check dimensions for larger furniture (think the sofa that you had to take the arms off to get in in the first place) and anything that will need to be boxed (like your TV). 

• Consider special preparations: Do you have valuable art that might require special art movers? Do you have a piano? Does your record collection need an archivist? Get these ducks in a row early so you aren't pulling a Steve Wynn and elbowing your Picasso.

• Clean: Just as you don't want to move any unnecessary items, you also don't want to schlep dirty things across town. We once did an unpack where the client still had coffee in his machine when he packed it up put it into the box. The box went into the truck and the coffee went onto his sofa. Lesson learned (and luckily we're also masters at stain removal). Laundering or dry cleaning all of your dirty clothes as you go through them and washing (and emptying!) all of your kitchenware means one less step to a seamless, spotless life on the back end. It can make unpacking a pleasure instead of a chore.


• Reserve bins: There are several brilliant eco-friendly options in NYC. Since discovering this option we at deVivre have never looked back. Not only do they save time taping, packing, unpacking & disposing you get karma points as they are kinder to the planet. 

• Save Boxes: We see so many perfectly good boxes being thrown away every day! Take advantage and save some pennies by grabbing a bundle whenever convenient. 

• Spring for the tape dispenser: A recent study shows "Who let the end of the packing tape get stuck back to the roll" leads to as many breakups as a trip to Ikea. We kid about the study, but we've actually seen this happen. Spring for the hand-held tape gun and it's actually kinda fun to wrap up a box and cross another one off the list.


• Get granular: While labeling each box by room is a no-brainer, we find it can help to get super specific with what you write on the box. Particularly for those last few boxes that end up being a lot of odds and ends. We have a coded labeling system (of course), but it can be as simple as writing: "winter coats and boots" instead of just "clothes" or "toilet paper and medicine cabinet contents" instead of just "bathroom". Labeling every box will make the unpacking go as smoothly as possible and you won’t spend an hour looking for your favorite sweater (or more importantly, that elusive roll of Charmin).

• Tape the scissors: Rock may beat paper, but nothing beats scissors on the back end of a move. If you think you may not be able to process your boxes as quickly as you'd like, tape your scissors to the outside of the last box loaded so you aren't struggling with tape looking for that crucial piece of paper three weeks into your new space.


• Utilities: Make sure your internet/cable/gas/electric is transferred from your old digs to your new before you arrive. It is very important to be able to veg out in front of Netflix that first night when you’re too exhausted to do anything but grab take-out.

• Keys: Drop off your old ones and make copies of your new ones as soon as you get them.

• Pets/Kids: Consider splurging on doggie day care (we can watch your pup for you) and, if your kiddo isn't old enough to be helpful, all-day childcare the day of the move. That way your precious little ones (furry and otherwise) won't have their schedules disrupted and you'll have all of your attention free to focus on which window gets the best light for plants without worrying if little Fido or Fiona is making a run for the door.


• Whenever we process a move, we always stock the fridge with a 6 pack when we get there so it's cold when we leave. Even if you don't have beer-fairies on staff, be sure to take a moment to christen your palace and congratulate yourself on a big job well done.