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deVivre New York City Concierge Services: Travel Planning, Life Hacks, Top Concierge Tips, and our concierge adventures around NYC

Travel Hack: Packing in 15 Minutes Flat. #truestory

Sometimes you just need to get the hell out of Dodge. Blow this popsicle stand. Scram. When those last minute travel opportunities present themselves, we want you to be ready to hit the road/tarmac/MetroNorth in no time flat. It doesn't take a concierge to get you out the door in 15 minutes or less (though a personal concierge assistant might just help...if you'd rather use the extra time before your flight to grab a pre-vacay cocktail, just give us a ring and we'll take care of the packing and logistics for you!) but it does take one major magic trick. Your travel savior:  A deVivre Concierge Services Go-To Travel Checklist will have you saying "bon voyage" faster than you can say "Yes, I think I'll have a piña colada".

  1. WHAT IS A GO-TO CHECKLIST? How many times have you gotten to your destination and said "I can't believe I forgot .....!" and "Where's my red one piece?!" and "Why do I have a million electricity converters and no charger wire??". Your Go-To Checklist is your bible. Your dossier. Your must-have-must-pack-Marie-Kondo-on-the-fly breakdown that makes packing an utter breeze. We always create these handy sheets for our clients (and personally have tailored lists stashed away for a Ski Weekend, Fall Camping, Business Trip, and Beach Getaway... but thats us, we're concierge experts. One master list is a good place to start).
  2. HOW TO BUILD ONE? We can't tell you how many outfits to bring (to each his own, but we can sort of promise you won't wear that fur vest you've never worn on this trip to the shore), but we can tell you there are some things you absolutely need every time. Start with what you brought on your last trip and work forward.
  3. WRANGLE YOUR NECESSARIES: If your go-to necessary travel items aren't already stored together ahead of time (think dopp kit or travel electronics case), make sure to include where they live so you aren't also diving into a bathroom re-org while packing (better yet, make a little home for them in your apt; we love storing like items in these bins from the Container Store).
  4. CONSIDER DEDICATED "TRAVEL" ITEMS: We're not talking about a special passport wallet here, we're talking about a duplicating the things you need every day: toothbrush, toothpaste, sunscreen, chargers, favorite toiletries, sleep dressing gown (you know, whatever your daily requires). If your toilette is too luxe to support buying two at a time (lookin' at you La Mer), we recommend sourcing smaller versions or decanting a small amount into a travel containers like these. Invest in an antimicrobial case like these guys with all the money you save from not having to buy a new set every vacation. Dedicated travel items ensures that you don't forget crucial things, and also that you're not dismantling your home systems every time you leave. This also makes "re-entry" all the more pleasant.
  5. UPDATE AS YOU GO: Get a new phone? Discover a love of kindle beach reads? Realize that you travel better if you can go for a run? Keep notes to yourself while you're traveling of anything that should be added. 
  6. LET GO: Before unpacking post-holiday, go through the items that you didn't use and put a little asterisk next to it on the list. End up with 3 asterisks next to it? Take it off the list and make room for things that you'll really use.
  7. TREAT YOURSELF: We find that all of this logistical wrangling is much more fun if there's something we're really excited to pack on our lists. Our current lust is a new pajama set that will look perfect in ALL of your hotel pics: Olivia von Halle's new International Women's Day Collection. Bonus: 100% of the profits will be donated to Bloody Good Period, who give menstrual supplies to asylum seekers, refugees & those who can't afford them. 

Happy Travels!