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deVivre Concierge Approved: Last Minute Valentine's

Roses are red. Violets are blue. Valentine's Day is almost here. You forgot...didn't you?

Well, don't worry. deVivre's got you covered. 


Personally Curated Dinner + A Movie: Has your lady seen Breakfast at Tiffany's so many times that that she knows every line by heart? Can your gent quote Anchorman at the drop of a hat? Is tonight the night you finally watch 50 Shades (we blush)? Make your own personal viewing party with a mini projector against your living room wall. Order delivery from your local haunt or pick-up their favorite meal from across town on your way home from work. Turn down the lights, pour a glass of wine, and don't forget the popcorn. If the idea of wrangling HDMI cords and figuring out how many books you need to prop under the projector for the perfect display gives you hives, give us a call. We can have your personal theater set up and playing previews before you even get home.  


Be your own Personal Chef: Are you two always saying that you want to try making that meal from your favorite Michelin star restaurant? Find the recipe online (or email/tweet/insta the chef!) and pick up all of the ingredients—including all of the special spices and accoutrements. Grab a set of matching aprons, a sweet card with a note from the heart, as well as the components for your favorite cocktails, and get cookin' together. If you need any help sourcing specialty ingredients (think: fresh pasta from Eataly, za'atar spice from Damascus, or your boo's favorite biodynamic Lambrusco from Thirst) let us do the legwork.


A Walk Down Memory Lane: Speed through some of your most treasured dates in one night. Stop 1: Was your first date at Parm? Swing by and grab a glass of wine. Stop 2: Did you realize that you loved them when they couldn't stop cracking up at the Comedy Cellar? Catch a set. Stop 3: Was the first time you said "I love you" under the arch in Washington Sq Park? Snuggle up by the fountain sharing each of your favorite memories. Stop 4: Was your favorite getaway together a long weekend in Montreal? Grab some poutine at Pommes Frites and plan your next getaway. Stop 5: Is your favorite part of the week reading together on Sunday evenings? Stop by The Strand and choose a book for one another. How do you start the date? Hand them a beautiful card with a clue for the first stop. And don't forget to make one of the stops a flower shop. If this kind of thing sounds *dreamy* (and you know your bae would love it) but you don't know where to start, we can help.


Love is in the details, and luckily that's what we do best. From executing your dream plans to scheming up plans you might never have even dreamed of, we can be your cupids.

It's not too late. Reach us now!